PADFlash ecu programmer will read and write Mercedes Delphi CRD3.10 ECU via OBD and Bench mode.
Run PADFlash Updater manager tool.
Hit Search and find pinout for
Connect the bench cable to ECU.
Connect the bench box to
Please use the correct gender adapter. Tool has 1 for OBD cable and another for bench box.
In PADFlash Updaters, hit "Activate FW" to download a
license key. (For each ecu we want to work with.)
"Activate" to activate the tool.
Click OK when you see the
tool login.
Run PADflash software.
Select driver.
Bench mode- Bench CRD3.x Mercedes Tricore TC1793/97- Bench CRD3.X Mercedes,
press Next.
Read the instructions, use the correct gender adapter.
Connect to the ECU.
On connection ECU details are shown.
Create a backup of this ECU.
Then we can write modified data to the
Run PADFlash Updater manager tool, hit "Activate FW"
then "Activate" to login.
Select driver Car- Mercedes- car model- drivre
Delphi CRD3.x TC1797
Connect, Read ECU data and save.
Open file and load modified data.
Write File.