Foxflash failed to read VW Simos 18.1 tc1792 ecu in boot mode. I have 14.5V And checked Pinout 2 times. There’s always this error (no response with ECU) and wake error. Any solution?
1). Voltage issue.
Set to 13v. Too much voltage at the moment if 14.5v.
ecus need very specific voltage, start allways from 12v and try again by raising
voltage in steps of +0.5v.
So 12v read, 12.5v read ,13v read and so on.. up
to 14v. Rare cases need to go above 14v.
2). Pinout issue.
You need to change the arrangement of the resistors.
Because at this point on one pin where you are supposed to have 1k ohm you have 2k ohm.