OBDSTAR DC706 clone Chevrolet Traverse 6T45 gearbox transmission TCU successfully on bench.
Go to TCM software, quick search 6T45 and find Chevrolet GM 6T45 M58BW016DB
Check wiring diagram and connect D7C06 with TCU follow the wiring diagram.
Connect TCU.
Read and save EEPROM and Flash respectively.
Disconnect original TCU.
Connect a donor TCU with OBDSTAR DC706 following the same wiring diagram.
Read donor TCU information. Always back up donor TCU eeprom and flash in case something go wrong.
Then connect TCU.
Write flash.
Upload original flash to the donor TCU.
Write flash successfully.
Upload original eeprom and write data to the donor TCU.
Don’t forget to disconnect after cloning finished.